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What Rental Property Inspections Should You Complete as a Landlord?

What Rental Property Inspections Should You Complete as a Landlord?

Forty-four percent (or nearly 17 million) of Californians rent their home. Rental property inspections are crucial to ensuring your property is safe for rental. Sometimes, tenants can damage your property, which can cost you money in repair costs.

Landlord rental inspections, move-in inspections, and quarterly inspections should be completed. You should also check on the rental property condition when a tenant moves out and if there's a change in ownership.

Here's what type of rental property inspections you should conduct as a landlord.

Move-In Inspections

Move-in inspections typically occur the day a tenant moves into the rental property. Walk through the property and discuss any issues using a landlord inspection checklist.

Are there any pre-existing conditions with the property? Take note of the state of the appliances and bathrooms.

It's essential to document a move-in inspection. When the tenant leaves, you can compare any damage or issues to the original document. If there are problems with the rental property's condition, you can hold the tenant responsible.

Writing everything down also creates a record, along with taking photos. You might need a physical record of the property's condition should a legal case exist.

Quarterly Inspections

Do a routine rental inspection every few months. You can address items on the landlord inspection checklist while looking for additional damage. It's also an opportunity to inspect the work of contractors.

These types of rental inspections coincide with the season. For example, landlord responsibilities include checking to see if pipes could freeze. You might also want to check the air conditioning units or gutters could become clogged because of the weather.

Check with local laws and regulations before "popping in" for a visit to check on a rental property's condition.

Move-Out Inspections

When a tenant moves out of the property, these types of inspections are a must. Landlord responsibilities include carefully reviewing any property damage, including damage to appliances, floors, walls, and woodwork.

You should expect normal wear and tear. However, holes in the wall, broken handles, and faucets are not standard.

Assessing the damage during these types of inspections is critical to determining if you should return the security deposit.

Change in Ownership

When you buy or sell a property, you may elect to inspect the property. This also allows you to meet your new tenants. At this point, you can also address any concerns or needs they might have while living at the property.

As a new owner, this also gives you peace of mind. You will know if there are any pitfalls at the new property.

Landlord Rental Property Inspections

Types of rental property inspections include a move-in and quarterly inspection. You should also consider inspections when a tenant moves out and if you sell or buy a property.

A property management company can help with inspections. Our experts know the laws, regulations, and checklists for managing a property.

By hiring us to manage your investment, ensure your property is in the best hands!
