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5 Essential Tips for Commercial Property Managers in Concord, CA

5 Essential Tips for Commercial Property Managers in Concord, CA

Did you know a commercial property manager can make or break their client's operation? Most commercial leases occur where businesses operate on thinner margins than they'd like. Commercial property managers must be on top of the game to ensure their clients can take full advantage of the expensive floor spaces they rent.

So, what does a commercial property manager need to know to give their client the best value for their money? Explore these five property management tips to find out.

1. Understand the Client's Operation

Commercial real estate management can encompass hundreds of different types of properties, all serving unique roles in your client's operations. For example, managing a warehouse encompasses different considerations than managing an office block or retail space.

Accounting for these considerations allows you to schedule maintenance better. It also tells you which tasks to prioritize and allows you to give your client a more personalized service.

2. Do Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is one of the property manager's best practices that help you fulfill legal obligations and keep your clients in business. The periodic investment of small amounts of effort and money lets you fix problems before they become calamities.

Avoiding larger problems allows your client to carry on their operation without interruptions. Not only does that mean more revenue over time, but staving off more extensive, more expensive problems also saves money in the long term.

3. Use Automation and Scheduling Software

Get AI involved to optimize time management without cutting out engagements or responsibilities. An AI-powered scheduling app to track maintenance needs and keep appointments in order can ensure you never miss a thing. It's also good to have a dedicated online portal through which your client can make maintenance requests, payments, and more.

4. Make Regular Upgrades

Effective property management can also mean improving a client's facility. Upgrades don't have to be major to make a noticeable difference. It can be as simple as installing better lighting, nicer gardens, or more accessibility features.

5. Give Your Client Space

Lastly, one of the best ways to ensure client satisfaction is by giving them ample space to run their operations. In California, landlords must uphold an implied covenant to allow their tenants "quiet enjoyment" of the property.

The agency relationship a tenant or owner may have with a property manager means that the law doesn't have the same force. It is, however, a great yardstick for a healthy business relationship.

Be sure to schedule your visits to the site, try not to take over the client's business tasks, and try as much as possible to simplify your interactions with your clients. This ensures your service is a benefit and not a distraction.

Stand Out Amongst Commercial Property Managers

The best facility management strategies begin with understanding how your clients' operations work. Use that understanding and software to predict their maintenance and property management needs and fulfill them. Adding a few upgrades to their facility may also help.

Lastly, you'll want to balance being present and constantly under your client's feet. Blue Line offers commercial property managers in Concord, California to help you with this.

Blue Line manages real estate with the utmost professionalism. We combine technical and soft skills to give outstanding service. Find out how we do it by contacting us today.
