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3 Tips for Choosing Tenant Screening Services in Antioch, CA

3 Tips for Choosing Tenant Screening Services in Antioch, CA

Renter-occupied households reached 44.1 million in the US. More people are renting in the California Bay Area! However, many landlords fail to screen tenants ahead of time.

Without a tenant screening process in place, you could get stuck with unruly tenants. They might cause damage to your unit or pay rent late.

Read on to discover how to choose the best tenant screening services in Antioch, CA. With these tips, you can find ideal tenants with ease.

1. Look for Experience

Once you have a list of companies that offer tenant screening services, consider how long each company has operated. Look for a company with years of relevant experience. Their experience can speak to their expertise.

An experienced company likely has access to quality resources. They probably have an efficient process in place for screening tenants, too. Their resources and efficiency will save you valuable time and money.

Ask each company questions about their process to gauge their level of expertise. For example, what criteria do they consider when screening tenants?

The company may complete background checks and run a credit report. Antioch tenant screening services should also consider if applicants:

  • Are who they claim to be
  • Are respectful
  • Have shown an ability to pay rent on time
  • Can afford the rental

Over the past few years, it's become more expensive than ever to rent. In February 2022, prices hit an annual peak of 16%! If the tenant can't pay rent on time, you'll lose revenue.

Asking these questions can help you find ideal renters. It can also help you find companies that offer meticulous tenant screening services.

2. Read Reviews

Look for a company that has a strong track record. Reading online reviews can help you find a trustworthy company. It can also help you recognize which companies to avoid.

Check each company's BBB listing, Google Business profile, and Yelp page. Read a handful of reviews from each site.

Look for comments about the company's responsiveness. You (and potential tenants) don't want to wait weeks to complete this process. Your would-be renters might move on to a different listing if you don't complete the screening process quickly.

Finding a company with a glowing reputation can help you feel more confident in their abilities.

3. Compare Costs

Ask each company on your list about their fee structure. Determine how much their services cost and how often you'll pay. For example, will you pay on a monthly basis, or based on the number of tenants screened?

Determine which services (such as background and credit checks) are included.

Don't rush to choose the cheapest tenant screening services available. Instead, review your notes. Look for an experienced, credible company that offers the services you need.

Working with a reliable company will save you time and money in the long run.

Find the Best Tenant Screening Services

Developing an efficient tenant screening process can help you avoid unruly tenants. Use these tips to find the best Antioch tenant screening company. With these tips, you can feel confident that the best team is on the job.

Need help with tenant screening right away?

Contact Blue Line Property Management for assistance.
